Operating the QuietCool Smart Control
When you first connect to your QuietCool Smart
Attic Fan Control, your attic fan will show up in
the list of available fans in the app.
A message indicates that setup is required.
Press and hold the Pair button on the Hub until
the LED indicator begins to blink.
NOTE: You will need to initiate this Pairing
process on each device you want to use to
control your attic fan.
Tap on the fan to start the setup process. Once
you tap on the fan, you will go to to the Fan
Setup page.
On this page, you will be able to change the
following settings:
Fan Name
Fan Model
Serial Number
The Speeds Available section will tell you if you
have connected the fan and set your dip switch
properly. Make sure that this number matches
the specification of the fan you purchased.
The QuietCool Smart Attic Fan Control has an
innovative Smart mode that allows the fan to
adjust the speed based on the temperature and
humidity conditions in your attic. Tap Settings
> Climate Settings & Presets to adjust these
Within this mode there are two standard
presets, Summer and Winter. You can modify
these presets and add your own custom presets
to allow quick setting changes on the fly.
The settings you choose in this section will
change what temperature the fan will come
on at each set speed.
Tap on any speed to adjust the temperature
for each speed.
Turn Fan Off:
This is the humidity percentage
that will cause the fan to turn off. For
example, if it is set at 90%, the fan will turn
off if the humidity in the attic is 90% or
Turn Fan On:
This is the humidity percentage
that will cause the fan to turn on. For
example, if it is set at 70%, the fan will turn on
if the humidity in the attic is higher than 70%
regardless of the temperature in the attic.
Desired Speed:
This is the speed the fan will
use if the humidity causes the fan to turn on.
Once setup is complete, tap Done in the Fan
Setup page.
Now you can tap the fan on the home page. You
will be taken to the Fan Control page.
On the Fan Control page, you will see
the current fan status, the current attic
temperature, as well as the current attic
humidity level.
You also have the option to Activate Smart
Mode or Activate Timer Mode. You can also
go into the settings of the fan and adjust the
settings that you setup in the first step.
Smart Mode
Smart Mode will automatically change the
speed based on the attic temperature and
To activate Smart Mode, simply tap Activate
Smart Mode.
Regardless of the attic temperature, if the
current attic humidity percentgage is over
the Turn Fan Off Humidity setting, the fan will
shut off. Once the humidity in the attic is back
under that setting, the temperature sensor will
become active again to control the fan.
Timer Mode
Timer Mode is a simple way to turn your attic
fan on for a set amount of time at a set speed.
To activate Timer Mode, simply tap Activate
Timer Mode. Once activated, you can select
your speed by tapping Set Speed. You can also
select your runtime by tapping Set Time.
When Timer Mode is active, you will see your
remaining time left on the timer at the top of
the screen.