display window will display the set temperature. When loose the “-” button, the
display window will delay to display the set temperature about 2seconds. If
2seconds later, press the “-” button again, the setting temperature will drop
again. If press the “-” button and not loose at least 1second, the setting
temperature will drop rapidly. Till the needed temperature reaches, then loose
the “-” button.
Long press 2 key, enter into channel 2, as following 4-2
Temperature setting method the same as CH1
Long press 3 key, enter into channel 3, as following 4-2
Temperature setting method the same as CH1
Ⅵ. Setting Working Parameters
6.1 Enter into password interface
Press “2” and “3” key at the same time, enter into setting main menu, as
6.10 Setting key tone
1. press 1 or + , select “Key tone”, press ENTER, enter into key tone setting
interface, press ENTER again, enter into select key tone interface, press 1 select
ON or OFF, ON express open key tone, OFF express close key tone, press
“ENTER affirm.
Enetr Back
P a s s w o r d
E S D t e s t
K e y T o n e
a d r e s s
2. After setting key tone, press “STORE” key affirm, press “Back” key return
parameter setting interface, press “Back” again, return setting interface.
6.9 ESD