GNSS Module Series
LC79D Hardware Design
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Figure 5: Reference Circuit for NSTANDBY
1. NSTANDBY has to remain high during module startup.
2. NSTANDBY has been internally pulled up, therefore external pull-up circuit is not needed.
3. Pulling down NSTANDBY pin for at least 20ms and then releasing it will reset the module.
3.5. UART Interface
LC79D (A) module provides one UART interface. The following are the features of the UART.
UART is used for NMEA output and firmware upgrade.
UART supports baud rates: 115200bps, 230400bps, 460800bps, 921600bps.The default baud rate is
115200bps, 8 bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit.
The UART interface features 1.8V power domain. A voltage-level translator should be used if
application is equipped with a 3.3V UART interface. TXS0104EPWR voltage-level translators provided by
Texas Instruments are recommended. Please visit for more information. The following
figure shows a reference design.