Adjust the opening speed Vo and validate by means of OK.
Adjust the closing speed Vc and validate by means of OK.
Adjust the setting-up procedure (Teach) and validate by
means of OK.
Start the setting-up procedure (Teach): validate by means of OK.
Upon expiry of 10 seconds the setting-up procedure (Teach) is
automatically initiated (or by means of moving the joystick)
During the setting-up procedure the drive unit gives an acoustic
warning tone .
The following first learning run is carried out:
• Super-slow speed opening direction.
• Super-slow speed closing direction.
Upon completion of the first learning run the following message
is displayed:
The display should immediately supply the following information:
By means of an opening command, the second learning run is initiated
The following second learning run is carried out:
• Normal speed opening direction.
• Normal speed closing direction.
The door leaf must not be obstructed!
The display should now supply the following information:
The setting-up procedure (Teach) is now completed.
A renewed setting-up procedure (Teach) is required if:
• the type of rods has been changed
• the opening angle Ao has been changed
• the Teach has been obstructed before reaching an opening angle of 20°
• the distance between axles (dAxis) has been changed