2.1 System Schematic
The Quanser Aero can be configured with one of two different I/O interfaces: the QFLEX 2 USB, and the QFLEX
2 Embedded. The QFLEX 2 USB provides a USB interface for use with a computer. The QFLEX 2 Embedded
provides a 4-wire SPI interface for use with an external microcontroller board.
The interaction between the different system components on the Quanser Aero is illustrated in Figure 2.1. On the
data acquisition (DAQ) device block, the motor position encoders are connected to Encoder Input (EI) channels #0
and #1. EI2 reads the pitch angle of the Aero body, and EI3 reads the yaw angle of the yoke. The Analog Output
(AO) channels are connected to the power amplifier command, which then drives the DC fan motors. The DAQ
Analog Input (AI) channels are connected to the PWM amplifier current sense circuitry. The DAQ also controls the
integrated tri-colour LEDs via an internal serial data bus. The DAQ can be interfaced to the PC or laptop via USB
link in the QFLEX 2 USB, or to an external microcontroller via SPI in the QFLEX 2 Embedded.
Figure 2.1: Interaction between Quanser Aero components.
The schematic given in Figure 2.1 illustrates the main Quanser Aero components and how they interact with a data
acquisition (DAQ) device.
2.2 Hardware Components
The main Quanser Aero components - for the USB and SPI embedded interfaces - are listed in Table 2.1. The
components on the QFLEX 2 USB are labeled in Figure 2.2c, the components on the QFLEX 2 Embedded are
shown in Figure 2.2d.
ESD Warning: Quanser Aero internal components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Before
handling the Quanser Aero ensure that you have been properly grounded.
DRAFT - September 1, 2016