E l e c t r o n i c T e m p e r a t u r e M o n i t o r
An RS485 2 wire or 4 wire port may be ordered as an option. This port uses
Modbus RTU protocol to communicate the temperature data and the state of
the unit to a remote communications device. See Appendix C for details of
the Modbus functions.
A heater kit (KIT-031-1) may be ordered (separately) that can be used in any
enclosure unit. Each heater operates from 120 VAC and so can be wired in
series; or in parallel; for 240 or 120 VAC operation. It is recommended that
the trip relay from the “oil” temperature unit is used as the thermostat
control. This can be configured through the user software to operate from
internal ambient temperature.
The product number of the electronic module to monitor oil temperature is
defined in the functions installed in the module as follows:
| |
| |---- M = Modbus, X = no Modbus
|------------- A = milliamp loop, X = no milliamp loop
The base unit is 111L-X-X
The product number of the electronic module to monitor Winding temperature is
defined in the functions installed in the module as follows:
| |
| |---- M = Modbus, X = no Modbus
|------------- A = milliamp loop, X = no milliamp loop
The base unit is 111W-X-X
One or Two units may be specified to mount in a weatherproof enclosure
forming a 111-300 system. These model numbers are:
One 111W-X-X
One 111W-A-X
One 111W-X-M
One 111W-A-M
One 111W-X-X and One 111L-X-X
One 111W-A-X and One 111L-A-X
One 111W-X-M and One 111L-X-M
One 111W-A-M and One 111L-A-M