E l e c t r o n i c T e m p e r a t u r e M o n i t o r
Install a jumper wire (#18 AWG minimum) from supply power (TB1-19)
to the common terminal of the 4
(Trip) relay (TB1-2).
For units powered by DC input, connections should be made as follows:
The customer must provide a separate AC source for heater operation
and a terminal block for wiring connections.
The unit will be wired as noted above for 120/240 VAC with the
exception that the added terminal block will be used to supply the AC
power and be a substitute for terminals TB1-19 & TB1-21.
In the customer software, ensure that the device used to control the heater is in
non-failsafe condition, and that the unit is configured to operate the Trip relay
from ambient temperature.
Figure 3a. Heater Installation and Wiring