Setting your medication schedule
Step 1 Enter the pill name, dose and quantity of the medicine you have to take.
Step 2 Click “ADD” to add another pill or “REMOVE” to remove the pill by clicking the
cross icon.
Step 3 Click “CONFIRM” to finish editing the pill list.
Step 4 Click “NEXT” to set up your medication schedule.
After filling in your medication information, a weekly schedule will be automatically
generated. The preselected start date is today, and the default medication time will
be 08:00, 13:00, 18:00 and 23:00.
If you would like to change the default medication time, click onto the time to
change the medication time.
Step 5 Check the checkbox(es) for the corresponding pill and time. Note that the
number of checkbox(es) you checked must be the same as the number of dose(s)
you entered in the previous page.
Step 6 Click “SAVE” to save your medication schedule.
You can now have a worry-free medication experience!
Start your healthy cycle!