Rhythm Knob:
Sets the probability of random rhythmic division/multiplication values.
If the knob is far left, the probability for change is as low as possible and set to divide
the clock rate by 4.
If the knob is far right, the probability of change is as high as possible and set to both
divide and multiply.
Rhythmic Division/Multiplication values are as follows:
/4 (whole notes)
/2 (1/2 notes)
= (1/4 notes)
*2 (1/8 notes)
*4 (1/16 notes)
*8 (1/32 notes)
*3 (1/8 note triplets)
*6 (1/16 note triplets)
Rhythm CV:
Control voltage input for
Range: ±5V
24: Rhythm Output:
Random rhythmic division/multiplication output.
At every clock pulse (or multiple of clock pulses in the case of divisions) a new random
division or multiplication will be selected and emitted as a 5ms trigger signal.
Range: 0V
– 5V