151.608UK User Manual
DMX operation
The TETRA light effect is compatible with standard DMX512 control.
Connect a DMX controller to the TETRA using an XLR DMX lead into the DMX IN connector.
Connect further DMX light fixtures that are being controlled from the DMX OUT connector to the DMX IN of
each fixture in a daisy-chain.
Set the DMX start address of the TETRA and all other lighting fixtures in the chain to accommodate all the
required channels for each. The TETRA has 11 DMX channels and the table below is described with the DMX
start address set to
DMX Channels
Channel Value
000 - 024
Water wave LED off
025 - 255
Water wave step through colours
000 - 009
White LED off
010 - 255
White LED on
000 - 009
Fireball off
010 - 044
Fireball Red
045 - 079
Fireball Green
080 - 114
Fireball Blue
115 - 149
Fireball Red + Green
150 - 184
Fireball Green + Blue
185 - 219
Fireball Red + Blue
220 - 255
Fireball Red + Green + Blue
000 - 009
Laser off
010 - 099
Laser Red
100 - 199
Laser Green
200 - 255
Laser Red + Green
000 - 009
UV off
010 - 255
UV on
000 - 007
All effects on
008 - 255
Combinations of 1, 2, 3 or 4 effects
000 - 009
Strobe off
010 - 255
Strobe fast to slow
000 - 009
Water wave motor off
010 - 255
Water wave motor fast to slow
000 - 009
Fireball motor off
010 - 255
Fireball motor fast to slow
000 - 009
Laser motor off
010 - 127
Laser motor fast to slow clockwise
128 - 255
Laser motor slow to fast anticlockwise
000 - 050
Manual setting from DMX channels 1-10
051 - 150
Auto program 1
151 - 200
Auto program 2
201 - 250
Sound program 1
251 - 255
Sound program 2