January 2008
Using Ghost Mode
In ghost mode, the AN-X-GENI monitors inputs and outputs on an
existing network and passes the monitored data to a ControlLogix via
scheduled connections.
Ghost mode is useful when the AN-X-GENI and a ControlLogix is to
replace an existing control system and you want to verify the data and
timing on the existing system before replacing it.
You must be careful in setting up ghost mode that you do not disrupt the
existing sytem when you connect and configure the AN-X-GENI
Configuration is best performed when the existing system is connected
but is not running.
The AN-X-GENI will require an available serial bus address on the
Genius network.
You can use the autoconfiguration feature of the AN-X-GENI to locate
all the devices on the network and generate a starting Genius
configuration file.
Genius Configuration File
You must configure the Genius I/O on the network being monitored.
The configuration file format is the same as described earlier (see page
20). Ensure that the Scan field is removed from all Genius devices so
that the AN-X-GENI doesn’t write outputs to the network
ControlLogix Configuration File
The output data on the Genius network is mapped to ControlLogix
scheduled inputs.
Data definitions for the monitored outputs consist of lines that define the
mapping of the Genius output data into the ControlLogix data table.
They consist of lines of the form
CLX_offset (optional), Genius_Location, tagname
The CLX_offset is the offset into the data for the connection. You can
select the offset where the data is located or you can leave it blank and
AN-X will automatically assign the offset.
The Genius_location consists of an address in the form