Quantum Engineer Operation Manual, Ver. 2.0.1
19 September 2006
When I press the Apply
Brake key, the locomotive
will not slow down for a long
time and then when it does,
it stops suddenly.
If you press the Apply Brake once briefly, the locomotive
will enter coasting and slowly decelerate to a stop.
However, if you have set V-Max too low, it will take
some time before the RTC algorithm applies an
internal motor voltage below V-Max. The effect is to
“hang” the locomotive at a constant high speed for
some time before it starts to slow down. Some
operators will apply more and more braking to slow
the engine, which causes the locomotive to slow
rapidly when the internal voltage drops below V-Max.
To minimize this problem, set V-Max close to your
maximum throttle position.
After I apply Air Brakes and
the locomotive is stopped,
changing the direction
switch blows the
Whistle/Horn instead of
changing direction.
After stopping with the Air Brakes, you must turn the
throttle down until you hear a Short Air Let-off to enter
Neutral and then change direction with the direction
switch. If you leave the throttle turned up above V-
Start, you are not in Neutral.