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XInsight Agent
The XInsight agent is a Windows based program and is installed on the servers / PCs which
are connected to all QSAN storage products. The XInsight agent software plays the agent
role. It receives the HTTP command from the browser and communicates with the all QSAN
storage products via RESTful API, and then replies to the XInsight client.
XInsight 1.0 Functionality List
XInsight 1.0 provides the following functionality for administrator management.
Figure 1-2
XInsight 1.0 Dashboard Panel
Provide connected devices, device status, and notifications of QSAN FAS, NAS, and SAN,
storage systems.
Display storage capacity information and backup tasks.
Monitor storage usage in a period of time.
Graphically display the device status of each connected device.
Also provide bar display the device status.