Detailed Alignment Method:
BFO/Carrier Oscillator:
There are several ways to adjust the BFO/Carrier Oscillator frequency.
1. Rough alignment may be made by adjusting C72 while listening to a received SSB
signal on 17 meters. This is a twohanded operation as you have to use the VFO Fine
Tuning to keep the VFO frequency set for best intelligibility while searching for the best
quality audio with C72.
2. Instrument alignment is done by monitoring carrier attenuation while adjusting the BFO/
Carrier Oscillator relative to the crystal filter sideband shape factor. The oscillator
frequency needs to be 24 to 40 db down the lower side of the filter passband.
Disconnect the microphone or short it's audio output so that there is no
audio coming through the microphone amplifier.
Set up an oscilloscope or RF detector and voltmeter to monitor the
transmit 2
IF amplifier output (the exposed lead on R45, near Q10).
Connect a frequency counter to the exposed lead of R67 to monitor BFO/
Carrier Oscillator frequency.
Operate the PTT switch and unbalance the balanced modulator by
turning R66 until you have a measurable signal. Unkey the transmitter.
Key the transmitter again and adjust the BFO/Carrier Oscillator frequency
(C72) for maximum signal level, note the frequency on the counter, and
then adjust C72 for a lower frequency and a 24 to 40 db decrease in
monitored signal level. Unkey the transmitter. The BFO/Carrier
Oscillator frequency needs to be just outside the lower frequency edge of
the crystal filter for USB operation.
Disconnect the frequency counter, key the transmitter and recheck to see
that you are still at the same signal attenuation point on your scope or
voltmeter. Unkey the transmitter. This checks to make sure that your
counter was not pulling the BFO/Carrier Oscillator off frequency by any
significant amount.
Key your transmitter and adjust the modulator balance (R66 and C65)
for minimum RF indication. Unkey your transmitter.
Reconnect your microphone or remove the short from it's output.
There are several additional ways to adjust the BFO/Carrier Oscillator frequency. If you have
the knowledge and equipment it might be an interesting exercise to try these methods as well.
However, even the Rough Alignment method outlined above will usually provide adequate
setting for good reception and transmission.
VFO components provided in the kit have been chosen in an attempt to insure that your tuning
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