Rev 1.03
Install required components
Install and solder the components indicated in this diagram and described as follows.
YELLOW: Capacitors C1, C2, C3, C7 and C8 are 1uF capacitors. The writing on the capacitor is
“105”. Be careful – the kit also contains one 1nF capacitor labelled “102” – do not mix them up!
RED: Resistor R20, 3.3K, with colour code with colour code orange-orange-black-brown-brown.
BLUE: 78L05 voltage regulator IC2. Be careful to install this with the same orientation as the white
silkscreen printing on the PCB. Also check the label on the component
– there are many TO92-
style transistors which look similar
– do not mix them up!
he 4.7K preset bias adjustment potentiometer, with label “472”.
PURPLE: Optionally you can install header pins. Many people prefer to solder wires to header
pins, rather than in holes. Or you may wish to use header socket connectors. In this case snap off
a 2-pin section and a 4-pin section from the supplied 10-pin header, and install them as shown.
Install jumper wires
The jumper wires are necessary to bypass the power modulator circuit, and to bypass the leakage gate
circuit. These parts of the full PA kit assembly are not undertaken in this simplified build.
Four jumpers need to be installed as per the following diagram. This diagram shows the PCB holes/pads in
green to make it clear where the jumper wires need to be installed. These jumpers can be made using wire
offcuts from the installed components or surplus components.