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Enter the basic folder settings for the shared folder.
Folder name: Enter the share name. The share name cannot contain " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ?
< > ` '
Description: Enter an optional description of the shared folder.
Storage Pool: Select the storage pool where you would like to create the share folder.
Configure storage settings and services:
Storage settings:
Thin provision: This option will allow the storage capacity of the iSCSI Target to be
dynamic and allocated on-demand. With thin provisioning, the system can allocate
initialized space and increments this quantity when the used storage reaches the
threshold. It allows the system to over-allocate the storage capacity regardless of the
physical storage limit, and the physical disk space is used only when files are written into
the share folder.
Folder quota: Set the quote of the shared folder. If the quota is not specified, the size of
the shared folder will be equal to that of the pool.
Compression: The ES NAS utilizes ZFS’s inline data reduction, offering compression and
deduplication options. When this option is enabled, more CPU resources of the NAS will
be used but the size of the shared folder can be reduced.
Deduplication: ZFS deduplication is the other data reduction method available on the ES
NAS. This option allows the system to reduce the amount of storage needed by
eliminating duplicate copies of data. However, it must be used with caution as it can
become very computationally intensive in some workloads (e.g. streaming workloads). If
enabling this option, it is recommended only to use this shared folder for workloads for