• QSS supports eight priority queue settings from 0 to 7, where 0 is the lowest priority
and 7 is the highest priority. The port assigned the highest priority is always allowed to
send data first.
• You can disable the CoS and DSCP inspection settings at the same time, but these
settings cannot be enabled simultaneously.
• By default, Weighted Round Robin (WRR) is applied as the default QoS scheduling
mechanism. The weight of the queue is directly proportional to the number of packets
sent from the queue. WRR prevents packets in low-priority queues from not being
serviced, and ensures that the switch preferentially transmits delay-sensitive packets.
Configuring CoS Priority for QoS
CoS (Class of Service) is a 3-bit field in a frame Ethernet header. The CoS value determines which queue the
traffic is forwarded to, based on CoS value (0-7).
1. Log in to QSS.
2. Go to Configuration > QoS .
3. Identify a port.
4. Click
under CoS Inspection.
QSS enables CoS inspection on the port.
5. Click Edit CoS Inspection.
6. Assign a priority value between 1 and 8 to the CoS value.
7. Click Save.
QSS updates the priority queue of the CoS value.
8. Click Save.
QSS updates the QoS information.
Configuring DSCP Priority for QoS
DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) is a 6-bit field in a packet IP header that is used to classify a
packet. The DSCP value determines which queue the packet is forwarded to, based on the priority assigned
to the DSCP value (0-63).
1. Log in to QSS.
2. Go to Configuration > QoS .
3. Identify a port.
4. Click
under DSCP Inspection.
QSS enables DSCP inspection on the port.
5. Click Edit DSCP Inspection.
6. Assign a priority value between 1 and 8 to the DSCP value.
QSW-M2106R User Guide