QMD Install manual D06400210010G PTZ Dome Camera
Connect the RS485 of camera to controller
(in this case, the DVR
) with a pair of
twisted cable. Tele-control to speed dome will be conducted from the DVR via
the cable.
Connect video signal to a multiplexer, matrix or DVR. If video is sent to a
multiplexer or matrix instead of DVR, it needs to be relayed to DVR via the
MUX or matrix for making record.
(DC12V or AC24V)
shall be applied to the camera via separate DC or AC
Set the termination resistor in speed dome to
mode (disconnected) if
only one speed dome is connected console.
If two or more speed domes are in the system, the termination resistor of END
unit should be loaded
(more information is in the next section)
Select a proper protocol and corresponding baud rate for the DVR. Be sure
both sides (PTZ camera and DVR) have the same protocol and baud rate.
In case the DVR does not have PTZ control function, use a separate
keyboard for the PTZ controlling. Protocol shall be properly selected, too.
Connect Speed dome to standalone DVR