HSC505 - E 8-32 Zone LCD Home Security Controller - Installation Manual
Page 11
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The QE920 is a wireless 8 zone bus expansion module for use on the PI HSC 505E Control Panel and
allows the use of any of the Visonic range of wireless detectors, also incorporated is a codex receiver
allowing for 8 codex remote transmitters.
The button functions of the codex remote transmitters are assigned in the panel programming questions 110
-117 (1 to 4 button remotes can be used).
Connection to the HSC 505E is via the standard 4 wire keypad bus line and can be mounted up to 100
meters from the control panel.
Figure 1
Red 12v…………………
Black neg……………….Keypad –
Green in………………...Keypad data (green)
Yellow out………………Keypad data (yellow)
Trig O/p 1………………..Detector supervision (detector has not tested for 1 hour)
Trig O/p 2………………..Detector tamper
Trig O/p 3………………..Detector low battery
Function button…………Used to step through programming functions
arn link………………..Required for programming of functions
Led indication
Led 1 to 8………………Zone or remote 1 to 8
Ac/Bat on……………….Display detector low battery with corresponding zone led
Tx on…………………...Codex remote programming
Rx on…………………...Wireless zone programming
Rssi on…………………Display signal strength (Zone leds 1 to 5 indicate strength)
Tx and Rx on…………..Expander address and data activity
The Installer code on the PI HSC 505E is required before any programming on the QE 920 can be carried