4 Channel Digital Video Recorder
office/home via HUB.
2): ADSL:
User applies for ADSL from Internet services supplier and connect an ADSL MODEM.
Connect the computer to the ADSL MODEM. Input user name and password in the dialing software so
that users can connect to the Internet.
3): Close Circuit Television Broadband:
Users apply for CCTV connection from a CCTV services
supplier. Connect the computer to a CABLE MODEM to access internet services.
In companies or Internet cafes, network administrators utilize routers or a proxy server to connect all
the computers to one Internet cable. All the computers will use the same Internet IP address.
Corporations are currently using this kind of network connection.
Swic th e r
Inte rnet
Ro ute r
ADSL Mo d em
Inte rnet
ADSL Mo de m
2. Network Configuration
After connecting to the Internet, DVR card users should configure for remote view/playback.
1): When in LAN, network administrators should open the following ports for specifics computers:
5000- 5002. Insure that the other services do not use the same ports.
2): In case users use an ADSL network connection and the surveillance system computer connects to the
ADSL MODEM, then the ports should all open by default. If not, close the Firewall per the ADSL
MODEM user’s manual.