QSDR16RTCB User Manual
To set up the Network settings of your DVR, go to
[Main Menu]
[Network Set] to enter into [Network
Setup] menu (Picture 9). Select the Static option
from the drop down menu on the Network Setup menu
(Picture 12). For the DVR’s IP address, use the
same first 3 sets of numbers as the gateway and
select a fourth set of numbers that is different than any
other device attached to the same router. If the IP
address of your computer in the ipconfig (BLUE arrow
in Picture 11) was a single or two digit number you
should be ok with any three digit number, if the
computer IP address ends with a number in the 100s
then you should use a number in the 200’s. Once you
enter the addresses hit OK button.
At the bottom of the NETWORK SETUP window there is an option
to setup the DVR to be accessed through a DDNS service. Clicking
on this button will pull up a screen as seen in Picture 13. Through
here, you can set your DVR up to use a Dynamic Domain Name
Service. Keep in mind that a dynamic address can change from
time to time depending upon your service provider. In the event
that it does change, you will need to go to a website such as
www.myipaddress.com from a computer attached to the same
router as the DVR to figure out what that new IP address is.
To avoid a change in IP Address by your Internet Service Provider, you can either ask your service provider for a
static IP Address or use a dynamic domain name service to get a domain name that can be linked to your dynamic
address. You can register for a domain name, user name, and password through our company’s myq-see.com
website. By registering, you can then enter your dynamic domain name into an Internet Explorer browser instead of
an IP address and be directed to whatever the current dynamic IP address is, so that you can always access the DVR
by entering the same address. This DVR also supports the DDNS service provided by dyndns. You can get more
information on how to use these services from the myq-see.com or www.dyndns.com website. Port Forwarding
To access the DVR from a remote computer over the internet you will need to forward port 80 and port 9000 of the
Router the DVR is attached to, to the IP address of the DVR. You can get instructions on how to do this for most
popular routers by going tparagraph as shown in Picture 14. Find the link of the brand and model of your router from the list of manufacturers
and click the “next button”. From there, click on the orange “Default Guide” link (BLUE box in Picture 15). This will
take you to the port forwarding instructions for your router.
When you access the DVR from a remote computer you also need to use a different address in the Internet Explorer
browser window. Instead of entering the IP address of the DVR you need to enter the public IP address of the router
the DVR is attached to. You can get this address by going t(Picture 12)
(Picture 13)