User Manual
Page: 5
The Setting Devices
The Wireless Panel Keypad and Additional Keypads (EUR-068)
Additional wired keypads may also be connected to the wireless control panel, please ask your
Engineer for more information.
= Exits the Master Manager menu (page: 16), and
selects Area A when setting.
= Moves backwards in the Master Manager menu
(page: 16), and selects Area B when setting.
= Enables chime, displays additional information in the
event log, and selects Area C when setting.
= Moves forward in the log, scrolls between options
and enters the Master Manager menu (page: 16), and
selects Area D when setting.
= Not used.
= Directional buttons and enables/disables
= Selects commands
= Cancels items, resets the panel and moves to next
item in a menu item.
The Internal Tag Reader (EUR-107)
The Internal tag reader can be used for setting/unsetting, entry control or access control.
Ask your engineer for more details.
Tag Area (Where you present your
tag to set/unset)
Alert LED
Alarm LED
Tamper LED
Fault LED
Unset LED
The External Tag Reader (EUR-108)
The External tag reader can be used for setting/unsetting, entry control or access control.
Ask your engineer for more details.
To set/unset the system using the External Tag Reader,
present a pre-programmed tag to the centre of the prox.
The prox will display the system status: Green = Unset.
Red = Set. Present the tag again within 10 seconds and
the system will set or unset.
The system will then set depending on the type of exit
mode programmed (Final door, Timed or Push to set)