2.0 Buttons and Its Functions
3.0 Major Function Modes -
Timekeeping Mode and Compass Mode
o u t d o o r
In addition to the compass function, the
dual time
Thank you for purchasing of this Watch.
T h e Wa t c h f e a t u r e s a m a g n e t i c s e n s o r
which measures compass directions, and
hence provides the direction information for
h i k i n g , w i l d c a m p i n g a n d o t h e r
includes a regatta timer which time
the starting of a race.
The Watch also includes current time, daily
alarm, chronograph, timer and
T h e W a t c h i s c a r e f u l l y d e s i g n e d a n d
produced for outdoor activities. In order to
utilize these features of your watch, it is
a d v i s a b l e t o r e a d t h e f o l l o w i n g n o t e s
before using the Watch:
Avoid exposing the Watch to an extreme
conditions for an unreasonable time.
Avoid rough usages or severe impacts to
your Watch.
Do not open the Watch's case unless a
c e r t i f i e d s e r v i c e a g e n c y b e c a u s e t h e
W a t c h c o n t a i n s p r e c i s e e l e c t r o n i c
sensors and components.
C l e a n y o u r W a t c h w i t h a s o f t c l o t h
occasionally that working for a longer use
life of your watch.
Keep your Watch away from magnets or
the appliances which contains magnetic
objects such as mobile phones, speakers
and motors.
Store the Watch in a dry place when it
does not in use for a long time.
Mode Button [M]
To select among the Current Time, Daily
Alarm, Chronograph, Timer and Dual Time
To select among the setting items during
setting display.
Compass Button [COM]
To s e l e c t b e t w e e n C o m p a s s M o d e a n d
Timekeeping Mode.
Start/Stop Button [S/S]
To select between functional displays under
the same mode.
To activate the 'start' or 'stop' function during
chronograph mode and timer mode.
To increase the digits during setting display.
Lap/Reset Button [L/R]
To activate the 'lap' or 'reset' function during
chronograph mode.
To decrease the digits during setting display.
EL Button [EL]
To turn on the EL back light for about 3
N O T E :
T h e m a j o r k e y o p e r a t i o n s a r e
summarized on the above paragraphs, however
please read the coming chapters for the detail
Current Time Mode
Timekeeping Mode
Daily Alarm Mode
Dual Time Mode
Compass Mode
Chronograph Mode
Timer Mode
4.0 Current Time Mode -
Current Time Display
Current Time Display
When the Current Mode is selected, the
Watch will show the following items on the
The day of week will appear on the top row.
The current time will appear on the middle
The date will appear on the bottom row.
T h e e l a p s e o f s e c o n d w i l l r e p r e s e n t
analogically by the bar-indicator which
around the display.
day of week
current time
Day of Week Display
1.0 Introduction
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