Operation of the PVPM
Please pay attention to the safety hints in chapters 5+6 and factors affecting measurement accuracy in chapter
The measurement can be started from the PVPM or from a connected PC (see chapter 12). The measurement
should not be started before the solar generator and the necessary sensors are connected properly. The I-V-
curve measurement will take up to 2 seconds, than the calculated results will be displayed immediately on the
PVPMs display (or on the PC).
Opens sub-page for measurement
Start measurement
This button activates a single measurement of the I-V-curve. The measurement runs automatically,
errors will be reported and the results as Ppk, Rs and I-V-curve are displayed on the screen.
This button enables you to retrieve data of already made measurements. The data-sets are listed
according to the creation date.
Goes to next/previous line in the list.
Selects next/prior page
Select a file with “OK”, exit dialog with “Abort”
Use the button “Delete” to delete the selected data-set from PVPM memory. Caution: this operation is
not reversible!
This button activates the transfer between PVPM and a connected PC. You can cancel this transfer
mode by pressing the “Abort” button at the PVPM screen.
Operation manual for PVPM devices
PV-Engineering GmbH