Issue 5 (14 November 2019)
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Be sure the 'NX4' and 'J4' component markings are at the same
side of the stack, or else your tubes will be upside down!
Ensure the two PCBs are perfectly square and true, and then solder
all the connectors in place. It is a good idea to solder the four top
corner pins in place and then the four bottom corner pins first, so
the connectors are anchored. Then you can solder all the remaining
pins. After soldering, the PCBs can be split into 2 parts again.
4.8 X1 (32.768 KHz Crystal)
C5 (15pF)
C6 (33pF)
R4, R5, R14, R15 (4.7 KΩ)
R18, R19 (270 Ω)
Do not solder the body of the crystal to the PCB, just lay it over the
large rectangular pad.
4.9 Q6 - Q8 (MPSA42)
Ensure these three transistors are mounted with their flat /
rounded body matching the part marking on the PCB.