Nixie Tube Clock ‘Halo’
Issue 3 (01 Nov 2018)
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Now identify the cathode mark on the LEDs. This is usually a green
marking at one end of the LED, though it may be under the LED lens and
harder to see, It may also be an arrow or a line pointing in one direction
on the underside of the LED:
With a fine soldering iron tip, melt a small amount of solder onto the
three cathode pads of the PCB at a single tube location:
Using tweezers, place the LED over its pads and re-apply the soldering
iron briefly to the pad with the solder on. This will re-melt the solder and
anchor the LED. Now solder the other pad of the LED.
Repeat this for all LEDs at each tube location, before moving to the next
tube location.