©2017 PureGear | PureSwitch Manual
If you prefer to base your rule on a location, press Location.
1. Choose Set Location. You can save the current location or move the cursor to the desired location. Press Save.
2. Choose a region status. Press Enter the Area or Leave the Area. This rule can activate when you enter or leave
an area. For example, when you arrive at home or when you leave work.
OPTIONAL: You can add a condition for a rule. This is when a rule is activated by a time or special event. If all of
the criteria are met, it will activate a previously programmed scene.
3. Choose the scene you wish to activate with this location rule.
Renaming a Rule
1. Go to the Rule screen. Press the pencil icon to the right of the Rule you want to change.
2. Enter the new name, then press Done.
Deleting a Rule
Go to the Rules screen. Identify the Rule you want to delete, then swipe its name from right to left. Press Delete.
Inviting User(s) to Access Your PureSwitch
1. The second user will need an iCloud account.
2. Open the PureSwitch
app. Press the drop-down menu on the top left corner of the home page.
3. Press Users. Press Invite People. Type in their iCloud e-mail or select by clicking on the “+” icon.
Note: Let the second user know they will be getting a notification on their device.
4. The second user will press Accept on his/her end.
Adding an Additional Home
Please note the following when adding a second Home:
• You will need to accept the second user’s invitation in your Settings > HomeKit.
• Only the original user can edit or add a device to their own home.
• In order to use Siri from a device, that device must be designated as the Primary Home.
• You can add up to 10 homes.
Accessing All Homes/Rooms/Accessories
From the homes screen you will see both homes listed. Each person can access the PureSwitch
you’ve created, operating all of them manually or with Siri using the directions above.
Designating a Primary Home
Now that you have access to two homes, you want to establish your home as the primary one.
1. Go to the Homes screen. Press Your Home. Press the checkmark icon to the right of that name.
Resetting the PureSwitch
If any step above does not work in setting up your PureSwitch
, follow these steps:
1. Press and hold down the small, round button on the bottom of the PureSwitch
for 15 seconds until the LED
light switches off, then back on again. Please wait until you hear a click.
2. Restart your iPhone,
or iPod touch.
3. Make sure your iPhone,
or iPod touch
is installed with iOS 8.1 or later.
Thank you for purchasing the PureGear PureSwitch!