PureAire Monitoring Systems, Inc.
To change this value, push the joystick right to display the Zero Suppression screen.
The display will indicate a value between 0 and 100%. Pushing the joystick up
increases the value and pushing the joystick down decreases the value. Press
to accept the value.
After entering the zero suppression value, the display will default back to the
Zero Suppression
menu and the
display will scroll the following:
4.6.7 Set Alarm Thresholds
This main menu will permit adjusting the Methyl Bromide concentration ppm level that will
activate alarm levels 1 and 2.
From this main menu, pushing the joystick to the right will select the first sub menu and
the digital display will scroll the following:
Set Relay 1 Alarm Threshold.
This is the gas concentration at which the instrument’s first level alarm will be activated. To change the
displayed value, push the joystick to the right to display the first level alarm setting. The display will indicate
a value between 0.0ppm and full scale.
Pushing the joystick up increases the value and pushing the joystick down decreases the value. Press
to accept the value.
After entering the relay state the display will default back to the
Set Relay 1 Alarm
Menu. The display will scroll the following:
Push the joystick down to access the next sub menu;
Set Relay 2 Alarm Threshold,
0.5 PPM
0.0 ppm
…Zero Suppression…
..Set Alarm Thresholds..
..Set Relay 1 Alarm Threshold…
1.0 PPM
..Set Relay 1 Alarm Threshold…