How to use the Spring Tool:
A: Position the spring on the edge of trampoline mat (after selecting your Spring type on previous
page). Attach tool and link up to the spring hook with hook end of the tool.
B: Pull the tool and attach the spring hook link up to the wire of the frame.
Be careful of pinch points on the Spring itself and where the Spring Hooks
connect during assembly!
Follow the diagram below to properly install the Springs on your Trampoline Mat. Always place a
spring directly across the mat from the previously installed spring. The first four springs should be
installed using a “clock face” as a guide: #1: 12 o’clock, #2: 6 o’clock, #3: 3 o’clock, #4: 9 o’clock. Al-
ways try to keep the springs evenly distributed by placing a spring on one side, then another directly
across when installing to keep the mat centered and level. You do not have to have an exact number
of “V” shaped rings on the Top Rail between each spring. However, make sure every Ring on the
has a spring attached, and that the spring is positioned as perpendicular as possible to the “V”
shaped ring top rail. A properly installed spring should not be slanted significantly to one side.