HRM Mode
The HRM mode is equipped with an exercise timer with a
range of 24 hours. The resolution for the first hour is as
shown on the bottom left while the resolution for the
suceeding hour is as shown on the bottom right.
automatically look for a
HRM signal as shown on
the right.
The watch will continue to search for an HRM
signal for about a minute and afterwards the
watch display will be as shown on the right.
To reactivate the HRM signal searching, press
S1 or S2 or S4.
Once the watch has attained an HRM signal
from the chest strap, the watch display will be
as shown on the right. The user can will be
able to see a flashing solid heart and on the
top the of the display show the BPM (Beats
per minute).
The watch is capable of
computing the calories
exercise and etc. In
order for these features
to provide accurate data
the watch would need
some vital information.
To encode this information, the user will need to set up the
HRM mode of the watch. Press and hold S2, to enter HRM
settings mode. The watch display will be as shown on the
The different fields of HRM setting mode are shown below in
their respective order.
The Age field of the HRM settings modes has a
range from 1 to 99. The default age is 30.
The Gender Field default setting is male.
The Level field is a preset setting option for the
user HR target zone or Hi/ Max and Lo Min HR.
There 3 choices for this field as shown below.
Range of Preset Heart Rate Zone:
Level 1 : 50% - 60% Beginner or Low Level Training
Level 2 : 60% - 70% Mid Level Training
Level 3 : 75% - 85% High Level Training
Once the user has selected the workout level, the default
values in the Hi zone HR and Lo zone HR field will be
displayed. However, these values can be
manually adjusted to suit the personal
The Unit field allows selecting the unit of
measurement of the weight. The default unit is Kg.
The weight field is where the user input the
weight as per selected weight unit.
The last field of the HRM setting mode is the HRM zone
alarm. This is an audible reminder of the watch if the heart
rate of the user is below the set HR zone or above it. The
default setting of this field is off.
If the HRM zone alarm is on or
activated, once the below zone
indicator is flashing on the watch
screen as shown on the right. The
user will hear the alarm sound from
the watch as “ beep------beep---“.
If the user have reached or exceeded the Hi zone HR, the
above zone indicator will be flashing on the watch screen
and the user will also hear the alarm sound from the watch
as “ beepbeep------beepbeep-----“.
Once HRM mode setting was completed, the user can now
start using this feature to gather data and monitor workout.
Attach the chestbelt to the chest and position it in such a
way that the conductive strap is in contact with the skin
underneath the breast. Tighten the elastic band of the
chestbelt to ensure good contact. For dry skin, a small
amount of water may apply to the conductive strap and to
the area underneath the breast to further improve the
conduction between the pads and the skin.
When the watch starts receiving the HRM signal
from the chestbelt, the user can start the work
out and the exercise timer by pressing S1.
The user can switch to the different views during the work
out without stopping the exercise timer. The watch has 8
different views including the current view as shown below.