4.3 STEP 2
– Interface network search.
For proper IP address change, it is recommended to turn off the firewall of the antivirus program for
the time of configuration process.
Run the „PowerConfig” program. Make sure that the Ethernet-RS485 INTRE module is powered and
connected to the router with a network cable.
In the "Module type" field choose the "Ethernet" and the search method.
When the "UDP broadcast" is selected, the program will search for all the interfaces on the subnet. If, in turn, the "TCP
unicast" is selected, the program will search for interface with the address from the "IP Address" field.
If the interface is configured with an identification code, then it must be entered in the "Code" field.
After selecting the search method, press the "Search” button.
Fig. 5. Window of the „PowerConfig” program – network interface search.
Once the search process is finished, all the NTE interfaces available on the network will be displayed in the
program window. Identification of the interface that should be configured is done by comparing the MAC address from the
list with the address placed on the INTE interface.
The MAC address of the Ethernet INTE interface is located on a sticker below the bar code as a 12 digit number.
Fig. 6. The MAC address located on the INTRE module.
To access the module configuration, check the field under "Type"
. The menu buttons on
the left side will be activated.