PS Engineering
PMA8000-SR Series Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Rev. 14, Oct. 2008
When you activate online you pay only $5.00 at
. If you choose to activate by phone the
charge is $15. You can either call 1.888.539.SIRIUS (7474) or activate online.
Keep in mind that there may be additional fees when you activate, based on the following criteria:
$5 charge to reactivate a receiver that has been inactive for over six months.
$5 late fee for monthly payments made after bill due date.
Printed copies of account information less than 18 months old cost $2.50 per request.
Printed copies of account information more than 18 months old cost $10 per request.
Termination of service prior to the end of a prepaid subscription or committed subscription period
will result in a $75 cancellation fee. Fee does not apply for monthly plans.
You are responsible for all taxes or other government fees and charges, if any, based on the ad-
dress on your account.
NOTE: Prices subject to change without notice
Record your Radio ID here for future reference.
Press 4-1-1 on remote with SIRIUS Satellite Radio turned on to read back the SID.