PS Engineering
PMA8000-SR Series Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Rev. 14, Oct. 2008
Push the SPR button. Verify that all selected audio is heard in the cockpit speaker. Verify that the au-
dio mutes when the mic is keyed.
Verify that the appropriate LED in the lower button row blinks when either push to talk is keyed.
Verify proper Intercom system operation in the
, I
modes (see Table 3-1).
Verify that the audio selector panel system does not adversely affect any other aircraft system by sys-
tematically switching the unit on and off, while monitoring the other avionics and electrical equipment
on the aircraft.
Marker Beacon Checkout
Connect a ramp generator listed in section 2.9.1 at the antenna end of the marker coax. With the unit
under test in HI sensitivity, verify that a 160
V, modulated 95% with 1300 Hz, signal will illuminate
the amber (M) marker light, and that marker audio is present in the headphones when the Marker Au-
dio (M) push-button has been depressed. Select SPR for speaker to verify marker audio availability on
the cabin speaker. Verify that the white (I) and blue (O) lights will illuminate within
3dB of the am-
ber lamp, with 3000 HZ and 400 Hz applied, respectively.
Repeat with the unit in LOW sensitivity, with 430
Volts applied.
Connect the marker antenna and verify proper operation.
2.11 TEL
Press the TEL button. Verify that the pilot headset is connected to the cellular telephone system (if in-
stalled). Verify that by using the pilot side PTT, the pilot can transmit on the other selected radio (Com 1 or
Com 2).
When a wireless telecommunication system is installed, a dial tone will appear in the headset of the pilot
when the TEL selector is activated. The telephone function will place any person heard by the pilot on the
intercom, also heard on the telephone.
2.12 SIRIUS Satellite Radio checkout
Because the SIRIUS Satellite Radio will not announce channel numbers until the radio is activated by the
user, an audio channel test is provided. Using the remote control, Press "3-4-5-enter" on the keypad to gen-
erate a 1kHz tone. This will be provided to any station connected to the internal SIRIUS Satellite Radio
module. Enter the same code to turn it off again.
To exercise the voice annunciations for the SIRIUS Module, press "6-7-8-enter" to playback all annuncia-
tions. Press any key on the remote to stop the playback.
To verify that the antenna is receiving adequate SIRIUS Satellite Radio signals, press 9-0-1 on the remote
control. This will play the numeric value of the signal strength as follows; two beeps, Satellite 1 value (0-
255) and beep, followed by Satellite 2 (0-255) beep again, and then read back terrestrial value. The final
value will probably be either a“1” or “zero” unless a terrestrial antenna is nearby. Higher numbers are bet-
ter signals, but you will probably receive only one satellite at a time.
2.12.1 Sirius Signal Dropout
: SIRIUS Satellite Radio uses ground-based transmitters in populated areas to ensure consistent road
coverage. However, for airborne receivers, these ground-based signals may cancel satellite-transmitted
signals, resulting in a dropped signal. You may experience interruptions in the airborne SIRIUS signal near
large cities. This interruption will be variable, depending on AGL altitude, distance, number of ground-
based transmitters and azimuth to the transmitters.
PS Engineering, Inc. does not guarantee SIRIUS Satellite Radio coverage in all areas, or the suitabil-
ity of the SIRIUS Satellite Radio for any particular geographical area