PS Engineering
PMA7000BT Series Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-7
Rev. 1, July 2015 Alternate Intercom Mode (Bottom connector Pin 14
If an external switch is installed between pin 14 of the bottom connector and ground, the PMA7000BT can
be placed into “Alternate Intercom Mode.” In this mode, when the ICS is in “ALL” mode, the passengers
will not hear aircraft radio. In addition, the
microphones are not heard by the crew when the
radios are active.
Front panel AUX switch can control Alternate Intercom Mode, by connecting J1 pin 14 to J2 pin A.
2.5.14 Entertainment Input
The PMA7000BT has two INDEPENDENT music inputs. Entertainment input number 1 is J2 pins 15 (left
channel) and 16 (right channel), WRT pin T, and is provided to the pilot and copilot. Entertainment number
2 is provided to the passengers.
Entertainment 1 and 2 can be connected together in order for all positions to hear the same wired music
source. We recommend installing a DPDT switch to allow isolation of the music sources if desired.
Ent. #2 Input
Alternate Music Interconnect
Ent. #1 Input
N O T E : U s e t h e l o w l e v e l o u t p u t o f a n y a d d i t i o n a l e n t e r t a i n m e n t d e v i c e t o c o n n e c t t o
t h e a u d i o p a n e l . M a x i m u m s i g n a l l e v e l i s 2 V A C p -p . D O N O T u s e a s p e a k e r - l e v e l
o u t p u t , t h i s wi l l c a u s e i n t e r n a l d a m a g e i n t h e a u d i o p a n e l . Bluetooth® Music
Bluetooth music is presented to the crew as Music 1. If a wired music input is present, both will be heard
by the crew.
The Bluetooth music can be distributed to the passengers, by activating the
“Music 1 all headsets” mode.
Press and hold the ICS button for about 3 seconds or until the music stream is audible in passenger head-
sets. Entertainment muting
The PMA7000BT-system incorporates a "Soft Mute" system. This will mute the entertainment devices
during ICS or radio conversation.
Any signal appearing in the unswitched audio inputs will always mute the entertainment sources, even
though the passengers may not hear the audio tone itself.
Caution: Local oscillators and internal signals from entertainment equipment can cause undesired interfer-
ence with other aircraft systems. Before takeoff, operate the entertainment devices to determine if there is
any adverse effect within the aircraft systems. If any unusual operation is noted in flight, immediately
switch off the entertainment devices.