PS Engineering
PMA7000BT Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-7
May 2015
Pairing separate music and telephone devices
It is possible to use a different music source (iPad, iPod with Bluetooth adapter, Bluetooth enabled laptop,
etc) and telephone. However, the music source must be paired first, before the telephone, if the telephone
also has music streaming capability. Otherwise, the Smartphone will also take over the music streaming.
Note: iPhones will probably take control over other music devices. In Droid you may select music or phone
only. With Blackberry, you may have to manually select the PMA7000BT as audio source for each call.
Bluetooth Telephone Mode
When a Bluetooth-enabled telephone is paired and connected with the PMA7000BT, the audio panel will
serve as a connection to the aircraft occupants. You can make and answer calls from the telephone handset.
In some cases, you will need to select the PMA7000BT as your audio source to connect on a call:
When the handset is active, the audio will be routed to the passengers and crew as follows:
In ALL intercom mode, all crew and passengers will be heard on the phone when they speak. All will hear
selected audio. COM audio is automatically heard in the headsets.
In CREW mode, the pilot and copilot are connected to the telephone. The pilot and copilot will have
transmit capability on the other selected transceiver COM 1 or 2, simply by using their respective PTT
In ISO intercom mode, when the PMA7000BT is in the TEL mode, the pilot position is in the "Phone
Booth." Only the pilot will hear the telephone, and only he will be heard. He will also have access to COM
1 or 2, and will transmit on that radio using the PTT. All selected audio is provided. Note: In this mode,
pilot will not have Bluetooth telephone sidetone (hear their own voice).
United States FCC Regulations contained in 47 CFR § 22.925 contain prohibition on airborne operation of
cellular telephones.
Cellular telephones installed in or carried aboard airplanes, balloons or any other type
of aircraft must not be operated while such aircraft are airborne (not touching the ground). When any air-
craft leaves the ground, all cellular telephones on board that aircraft must be turned off.
Because the cell phone uses an intercom circuit, all stations on that circuit will lose intercom capability
when the cell phone is in use. Intercom conversations will still be present if the cell phone provides
sidetone, or if the audio panel is modified for telephone sidetone.
PS Engineering does not guarantee compatibility with personal cellular telephones.
for a list of phones that have been tested.
Cellular telephone sidetone
As shipped from PS Engineering, the PMA7000BT
provides cellular telephone sidetone (the user’s voice
fed back to the headset). Some cell phones provide sidetone. In PMA7000BT Telephone sidetone can be
enabled/disabled by an internal modification. Contact PS Engineering for information.
Marker Beacon Operation
The optional Marker Beacon Receiver uses visual and audio indicators to alert you when the aircraft passes
over a 75 MHz transmitter.