PS Engineering
PMA7000BT Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-6
May 2015
Satellite Telephone Mode
The Com 3 mode can serve as a full duplex interface for satellite telephone systems such as AirCell. When
interfaced with an approved airborne telecommunications system, the PMA7000BT can serve as a audio
control and distribution center. Each intercom position has a "hook switch." The pilot's hook switch is the
"Com 3" button on the audio panel, the others are discrete switches mounted adjacent to the headset jacks.
When Com 3 is active in the duplex mode, the TX button will blink about twice as fast as the normal
transmit rate.
When the intercom is in ALL mode, the pilot can speak on the phone only if the Com 3 is selected for
transmit (Com 3 Xmt button activated).
If any passenger places his or her switch into the “off
position all passengers will also be heard on the phone. All will hear selected audio. Com 1 audio is auto-
matically heard in the headsets. The pilot and copilot will have transmit capability on the other selected
transceiver Com 1 or 2, simply by using their respective PTT switch.
In CREW mode, the pilot and copilot may use the telephone, with their respective hook switch (the pilot
selects Com 3 on the Xmt selector). Any passenger who places their switch into the off-hook position will
also have access to the phone, and all four passengers will hear the conversation.
In ISO intercom mode, when the PMA7000BT is in the Com 3 mode, the pilot position is in the "Phone
Booth." Only the pilot will hear the telephone, and only he will be heard. He will also have access to Com 1
or 2, and will transmit on that radio using the PTT. All selected audio is provided. If any other passenger
goes “off hook” they will hear the phone.
Note: Because the satellite phone port uses an intercom circuit, all stations on that circuit
will lose intercom capability when the satellite phone is in use.
Bluetooth® interface
The PMA7000BT
has a Bluetooth interface. The audio panel is always “discoverable,” so you just need to
search for the PMA7000BT from your Bluetooth-equipped phone or music source. The default access code
, if needed. Once the PMA7000BT
has been “paired” with your Bluetooth device, the TEL distr
bution will act as described below.
In CREW mode, the pilot and copilot are the only ones that use the telephone.
In ISO intercom mode, the pilot position is in the "Phone Booth." Only the pilot will hear the telephone,
and only he will be heard. He will also have access to radios and will transmit on that radio using the PTT.
All selected audio is provided. In ISOLATE pilot will not have telephone sidetone.
mode, everyone will be on the Bluetooth phone call, “Party Line”.
Calls are answered or made from the telephone handset. You can disconnect from the handset.
The pilot and copilot will have transmit capability on the other selected transceiver Com 1 or 2, simply by
using their respective PTT switch.
Note: Because the cellphone uses an intercom circuit, all stations on that circuit will lose
intercom capability when the cellphone is in use.
Pairing and unpairing Bluetooth devices
The PMA7000BT can be paired with up to eight individual devices. When that number is exceeded, one
device will be automatically un-paired to allow the new device. The device eliminate will be selected at
random by the Bluetooth module. Hint, if your old phone is not recognized by the PMA7000BT, you may
simply need to re-pair.
To reset the Bluetooth, Hold Nav 1 and Nav 2 buttons at the same time for more then 3 seconds.