PS Engineering
PMA5000EX Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-1
Rev. 3, Dec. 2015
This section provides detailed installation and interconnection instructions for the PS Engineering
PMA5000EX Audio Selector Panel/Intercom.
Please read this manual carefully before beginning any installation to prevent damage and post-installation
problems. Installation of this equipment requires special tools, and knowledge as required by 14 CFR 65.81
2.2 Unpacking and Preliminary Inspection
Use care when unpacking the equipment. Inspect the units and parts supplied for visible signs of shipping
damage. Examine the unit for loose or broken buttons, bent knobs, etc. Verify the correct quantity of com-
ponents supplied with the list in Section 1.6. If any claim is to be made, save the shipping material and con-
tact the freight carrier. Do NOT return units damaged in shipping to PS Engineering. If the unit or accesso-
ries show any sign of external shipping damage, contact PS Engineering to arrange for a replacement.
Under no circumstances attempt to install a damaged unit in an aircraft. Equipment returned to PS Engi-
neering for any other reason should be shipped in the original PS Engineering packaging, or other UPS
approved packaging.
2.3 Equipment Installation Procedures
Cooling Requirements
Forced air-cooling of the PMA5000EX is not required. However, the units should be kept away from heat
producing sources (i.e. defrost or heater ducts, dropping resistors, heat producing avionics) without ade-
quate cooling air provided.
Mounting Requirements
The PMA5000EX must be rigidly mounted to the instrument panel of the aircraft structure, within view and
reach of the pilot position(s). Installation should comply with FAA Advisory Circular AC 43.13-2B. The
unit may be mounted in any area where adequate clearance for the unit and associated wiring bundle exist.
To prevent noise, avoid installing the unit close to high current devices or systems with high-voltage pulse
type outputs, such as DME or transponders. Avoid running the interconnecting bundles near any high cur-
rent wires.
Audio Panel Mounting Rack Installation
Remove the unit from the mounting tray by unscrewing the 3/32" hex-head screw that is in the center of the
unit. Use caution to avoid hitting the photo-detector lens. Carefully slide the unit free of the tray. Set the
unit aside in a safe location until needed. Install the tray using six clip nuts (475-630-0002), and six FHP
6-32 x ½" screws (475-632-0012). The audio selector panel must be supported at front and rear of the
mounting tray.
Audio Panel Tray and Connector Assembly
The rack connectors mate with two 44-pin connectors in the PMA5000EX. The connectors are a sub-
miniature crimp-type, and require the use a hand crimp tool, from table below (or equiv.). The connectors
are mounted to the tray back plate with #4-40 screws (475-440-1038), from the inside of the tray and the
mounting block, 431-891-0100. Ensure that proper strain relief and chafing precautions are made during
wiring and installation, using the cable clamp (625-001-0002).