PS Engineering
PMA5000EX Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-6
Rev. 3, Dec. 2015
This distribution is similar to other brands of audio panels, and allows the passengers to have their
music source come on only when they are not hearing the crew.
When the music is independent (the standard distribution method), Music 1 will always go to the pi-
lot and copilot positions, and is never heard by the passengers. Music 2 is always heard by the pas-
sengers, and never by the pilot and copilot.
3.8 Music Volume (5)
Two buttons on the front of the audio panel control the volume level for music 1 input. Press and hold the
up arrow to increase the volume, or the down arrow to decrease. The button LEDs will indicate that you are
pressing the button.
The volume changes about three steps per second, so it takes about 10 seconds to ramp the volume across
the full range.
It is possible to turn the volume completely off, so try pressing the volume up button if you don’t hear mu-
sic as expected.
3.9 Telephone Mode (9)
The TEL mode serves as a full duplex interface for compatible telephone systems such as portable cellular
phones with earpiece jacks. When interfaced with an approved airborne telecommunications system, the
PMA5000EX can serve as an audio control and distribution center.
intercom mode, all crew and passengers will be heard on the phone when they speak. All will hear
selected audio. Selected Com audio is simultaneously heard in the headsets. The pilot and copilot will have
transmit capability on the selected Com 1 or 2transceiver, simply by using their respective PTT switch.
mode, the pilot and copilot are connected to the telephone. The pilot and copilot will have
transmit capability on the other selected transceiver Com 1 or 2, simply by using their respective PTT
intercom mode, when the PMA5000EX is in the
mode, the pilot position is in the "Phone
Booth." Only the pilot will hear the telephone, and only he will be heard. He will also have access to Com 1
or 2, and will transmit on that radio using the PTT. All selected audio is provided.
Because the cell phone uses an intercom circuit, all stations on that circuit will lose intercom capability
when the cell phone is in use. Intercom conversations will still be present if the cell phone provides
sidetone, or if the audio panel is modified for telephone sidetone.
PS Engineering does not guarantee compatibility with personal cellular telephones.
for a list of phones that have been tested.
Cellular telephone sidetone
As shipped from PS Engineering, the PMA5000EX does NOT provide cellular telephone sidetone (the us-
er’s voice fed back to the headset). Some cell phones do not provide sidetone. In the PMA5000EX, tele-
phone sidetone can be enabled by holding the TEL button for more than three seconds.
3.10 Utility Jack
The 2.5-millimeter (3/32”) jack on the front of the PMA5000EX has three distinct functions:
Cell phone input
Advisory audio input
Music input
3.10.1 Cellular phone
When a cellular telephone is connected to this jack using a 2.5 mm to 2.5 mm adapter cord (PS Part Num-
ber 425-006-7026), the PMA5000EX audio panel will connect the intercom to the cell phone when the
“TEL button is pressed (9), and behave as described in section 3.7. The telephone ringer, if present, will be
heard unless the input is muted by other radio or intercom.