This is composed of covers, fi
attached to the back wall and side plates,
a detachable frontal wall and detachable
upper part. The upper part contains a
horizontal control panel, and a vertical
control panel beneath the upper edge of
the detachable frontal wall.
Hot water tank
This is a cylindrical vessel containing
spiral piping. The heating water passes
through the piping and heats the utility
water in the vessel. The tank is enamelled
inside and has a magnesium electrode for
protection against corrosion. The external
thermal casing of the tank is composed of
polystyrene foam, with refl exive foil on the
Hot water tank expansion vessel
The boiler is equipped with an expansion
vessel for the hot water tank with a volume
of 4 litres.
Placing of boiler
The boiler is fi tted on a construction base,
i.e. a platform (or pedestal). The platform
must have at least a regular load capacity
and must not be slippery. The surrounding
area may be cleaned only in a dry manner
(e.g. by vacuuming). If the platform is
made of fl ammable material it is essential
to furnish the boiler with a non-fl ammable,
thermally insulating underlay which
overlaps the ground dimensions of the
boiler by at least 100 mm.
For passage of a boiler with case it is
necessary to meet the condition that the
doors have a width of at least 65 cm.
Adjustable legs
Before connection of the boiler to the
heating system install the adjustable legs
onto the boiler clamps for improved stability
and balancing of the boiler. The instruction
guide is included in the packaging.