Professional maintenance of boiler
Once per year, preferably before the
beginning of the heating season, we
recommend that the boiler is checked and
set by a service organisation. This check
is not covered by the boiler’s warranty.
The specifi c tasks to be performed are
specifi ed in the Service Book.
This mostly concerns tasks such as
checking the function and state of the
burner, checking and setting output,
checking the tightness of connections
of the fl ue conduit, checking the boiler
exchanger, checking the hot water tank
and checking the state of the magnesium
In this it is particularly important to verify
the functional capability of the safety valve
and also verify the activity of the emergency
and combustion exhaust thermostat. This
check is performed upon every service
intervention on these elements.
We recommend that the state of the
magnesium electrode is checked within six
months of putting the boiler into operation.
Deterioration of the electrode depends
on the composition and hardness of the
water. Longer time intervals for checking
are stipulated by a professional service
according to the degree of deterioration
following the fi rst check. If 60% of the
electrode has been used up and the time
interval is to remain same, the electrode
must be replaced with a new one. The
tank must not be operated with a depleted
electrode. The overall warranty of the
boiler does not cover defects caused
by corrosion in the case of a depleted
magnesium electrode.
The depletion of the magnesium
electrode rod ensues from its protective
function, and for this reason replacement
thereof cannot be included within the
Warranty and warranty conditions
The PROTHERM Bear 20 (30, 40, 50)
KLZ is covered by the warranty defi ned
in the Warranty Certifi cate, the Service
Book and by other conditions specifi ed
in this Operation Guide and Installation
Guide (chapters Introduction and Boiler