N93-582-02 Issue 1 NH
Page 25 of 28
© Protec Fire Detection plc 2015
Configuring the Function of the Control Inputs
The Digilite® DL500 has un-dedicated 'control inputs' which perform a certain function when a short circuit is
presented across them.
Control input 1 is currently used and the function of it can be programmed.
To setup the function click on the 'Input' box and select the required function from the drop down menu.
Current the choices are:
Emergency Mode
When control input 1 is activated, all loop devices are put into Emergency Mode. The devices are taken out
of Emergency Mode if the input is de-activated, or after 2 hours, whichever is first.
Mute Buzzer
When Control Input 1 is activated, the internal buzzer of the Digilite® DL500 is muted, and the current
system state is accepted. This is identical in operation to pressing the 'Mute Buzzer' button on the front of the
Digilite® DL500.
Programming Network Settings
If the Digilite® DL500 includes the (optional) TCP/IP Interface (if it connects to a Protec graphics system, or
uses the DigiView web server) then the parameters for this must be setup.
There are four parameters that must be programmed: Node Number, IP Address and Subnet Mask and
If the TCP/IP Interface is NOT used, the Node Number must be set to 0, otherwise a fault will
be generated.
If the Digilite® DL500 is to be connected to the Local Area Network of an installation,
prior permission MUST be received from the I.T management of the installation
. They will then
release the static IP address and Subnet mask details.
IP Address
The Digilite® DL500 requires a static IP address allocating by the I.T management of the installation. Each
Digilite® DL500 on the network must have a unique IP address. This is entered in the IP Address field in the
following format:
Where each section is a three digit number.
Subnet Mask
The Digilite® DL500 requires a Subnet Mask allocating by the I.T management of the installation.
Where each section is a three digit number.
Node Number
Currently unused, but must be set to 0 if the Digilite® DL500 DOES NOT use the TCP/IP Interface Card.
If the TCP/IP interface is used to host the DigiView web-server, then the password required to access the
web-server is entered here. The password can be any combination of up to 20 characters.