N93-582-02 Issue 1 NH
Page 17 of 28
© Protec Fire Detection plc 2015
Programming the Test Group
The Digilite® DL500 permits each loop address to be programmed in to one of 28 test groups.
Device grouping is offered is to ensure that adjacent luminaires are never tested simultaneously. Adjacent
devices are usually programmed into staggered groups 1 to 28.
This ensures that, even though a group may be in its annual duration test (or re-charging after it), sufficient
emergency lighting cover is still provided by devices programmed into other groups.
To program the test group, click in the Test Group cell for the relevant loop address and enter the required
group number (1 to 28).
Test Group Programming Requirements for Central System Devices
All loop devices which relate to a central system (central system control interface, central system loop
interfaces and any Sub Circuit Monitors for that system) must be programmed into the same test group.
Multiple central systems can be accommodated by the Digilite® DL500, but each must have its own unique
test group.
'Voltage' parameter for Loop Devices
The loop device, when logged, returns it's programmed Voltage. This parameter does not apply to all device
types and the software will display 'N/A' if the Voltage parameter for that device type is not applicable.
The Voltage is used by the Digilite® DL500 to correctly process the data returned by the device.
Programming Maintained and Non-Maintained Monitoring
For LED_DRV or STATIC_LOOP based luminaire device types the Digilite® DL500 can monitor the output
under non test (maintained) conditions. In doing this the system can warn the system maintenance
personnel that attention is required.
If the LED_DRV or STATIC_LOOP at the address is maintained (lit normally, as well as under mains failed
conditions) then click in the Maintained cell for the relevant loop address. This toggles the selection between
'Maintained' and 'Non-maintained.' Set as required.
Programming Sub Circuit Monitoring (SCM) Devices
STATIC_LOOP device types can be programmed to monitor local mains sub circuits by setting the SCM cell
for the device to 'Yes'.
When they are programmed to do this any central system types matching the group for the device are put
into emergency operation when the Sub Circuit Monitor detects a local mains failure.
Only one Sub Circuit Monitor unit is permitted per test group.
LDR programming
Some legacy loop device types use light sensors (LDR's) to detect if the lamp in a luminaire is illuminated, or
not. The loop device type, when logged, reports whether it has an LDR fitted or not. This is shown in the
'Use LDR' field for a loop device.
Changing the Allocated Address of a Loop Device
A loop device may be allocated to another address by simply clicking on the device to be moved and
dragging and dropping onto the empty address required.
If a device is dragged and dropped onto another loop device, they will exchange logical loop address