Electrical Requirements
Important Notice:
• Never operate this machine when the ambient room air temperature is greater than 90
degree fahrenheit
• Never operate this machine in a commercial application when t he remote timer is not
working properly.
• Never operate this machine when it is not ventilating itself properly (too hot inside).
• The salon owner or operator may never, under any circumstances, open the bench or
canopy of tanning units without the supervision of an authorized service person.
Please refer to your individual unit for the recommended exposure schedule and
proper exposure times for the model that you have purchased.
The Electrical requirements for your ProSun unit are:
Operating Amps 1
RenuvaSkin JD 3200 20 Amp
60 Hz
19 Amps
Operating any 220 Volt combination at voltage levels below 215 Volts or above 230 Volts
for the ProSun Units constitutes an automatic NULLIFICATION of the manufacturers factory
warranty, because it could cause damage to the unit’s system.
Please insure that your electrician and/or installer, reads this user’s manual carefully prior to
the installation of your ProSun unit. You will need a buck booster if voltage requirements are
not met.
Always disconnect the ProSun unit from its power supply when serving or
repairing the unit.