In case panel main power lost and while panel is working with battery power
In case panel main power supply fails
This status has been detected by panel when an input signal is below 3mA and reported on
LCD screen on related channel with “FLT” symbol. Panel will activate FAULT relay and LED in
case of any fault. Panel also activate fault LED for related channel if the fault status detected
on a detector channel.
Fault relay is normally energised, and it will be de-energised when any of the internal fault
detection measures detects a fault. The Fault LED will be activated also when line power is
lost and system runs with battery power. It is also possible to get an alarm when control
panel totally loses the power.
Overrange Status Screen:
The panel also report overrange status in case any of the channels reported measurement
higher than measurement range. This status has been detected by panel when an input
signal is over range (> 20mA) and reported on LCD screen on related channel with “
symbol and measurement level fixed to 99LEL. The overrange condition is highes
measurement level that panel can understand and overrange level is higher than alarm
levels. The alarm LEDs and relays will be activated before panel reports overrange condition.
Diagram 10: Overrange status display
Alarm Status:
The Panel will report Alarm status when gas level exceedes defined alarm levels on any of
the detector channel. Panel has two adjustable measurement alarm levels. If any connected
detector measurement reaches the given alarm threshold level, panel will activate related
alarm relay and LED. Alarm-1 relay and LED will be activated in case any of the connected
detector measurement reaches defined Alarm-1 threshold level. Panel will show "AL1"
symbols for the related channel on LCD screen and also activate alarm LED on related
channel. Alarm-2 relay and LED will be activated in case any of the connected detector
measurement reaches defined Alarm-2 threshold level. Panel will show "AL2" symbol for the
related channel on LCD screen and also activate alarm LED on related channel. Alarm-1 and
Alarm-2 relays and LEDs will be both active in case any of the connected detector reports
Alarm-2 status.