Thank you for buying our ISPcable II programmer. We hope that the great power it
offers will allow you to appreciate fully the virtues of programming in the system provided
by Atmel microcontrollers.
ISPcable II
is advanced, high-speed development/production programmer supporting
most In-System Programmable microcontrollers from Atmel. ISPcable II gives the
designer a compact and realiable programming tool to program most In-system
Programmble Atmel microcontrollers through a 6- or 10-pin ISP connector. The
programmer connects to a PC through a standard RS232 serial interface and draws the
necessary power from the target board eliminating the need for an additional power
supply. Maximum speed of RS232 and SPI interfaces are chooses automaticly for
programming with maximum accessible for programmed mikrocontroller speed.
ISPcable II can co-operate with microcontrollers supplied with voltages from 1.5 to 6 V.
Such a broad range of supply voltages was achieved through buffering of signals on the
ISP line, additionally enhancing the immunity of the circuit to interference. ISPcable II is
provided with ProProgRS software working in the Windows system, it co-operate with
AVRStudio (AVR Prog -not all microcontorllers) software from Atmel as well. Moreover,
functions offered by ProProgRS are available, such as: programming and read-out of
Flash memories, EEPROM, fuse-and-lock bits, RESET signal configuration, SPI
Due to the small size, it is also an excellent tool for field upgrades of existing applications
Let us wish you nothing but success and a lot of satisfaction in
designing and putting new microprocessor devices to work.
Connects to standard PC comm port
Fast programming with auto-adapting or manual RS232 clock
auto-adapting or manual SPI clock
Programming software can be easily upgraded to support future devices, if necessary.
Support will be added as soon as new devices become available.
Operates with target voltages in the range of 1.8 - 6 V
Buffering of the ISP bus, allowing proper operation with systems powered from a broad
range of supply voltages and enhancing immunity to external interference
Operation of the programmmer signalized by built-in LED indicator
Standard 10-pin connector to the target circuit in the Atmel standard
Draws power from target, or external power
Small size
Supports RC Oscillator Calibration
Programs both Flash and EEPROM
Security and Fuse Bit programming supported
EEPROM and all Fuse and Lock Bit options ISPProgrammable can be programmmed
individually or with the sequential automatic programming option