It is first necessary to create a password for your account. Your default account user name is the
name of the Windows user account logged in when the request was sent. The user name cannot
be changed. Click on the
Set up now
link in the blue banner that appears in the Folders menu.
Note that if your Windows user account is named Administrator, a different name will
automatically be assigned using the account name ‘Administrator’ with an index number attached
with an underscore. There can be only one account named Administrator.
4. Once you are accepted by the administrator, you can Mount the folders available to your
account. When you mount a folder it appears in Finder and becomes available for use. These
folders function the same as a network drive, you can read or write to the Team folder and your
personal folder. You can also be granted read and write access to other shared folders; access to
other folders is controlled by the administrator.