An instructed person is deemed to be a person who has been
instructed and, if required, trained in the tasks assigned to him and
possible dangers that could result from improper behaviour, as well
as having been instructed in the required protective equipment and
protective measures.
The Service department refers to service technicians, who have
received proven training and have been authorised by ProMinent
to work on the system.
These operating instructions include notes and
extracts from German regulations relating to the opera‐
tor's scope of responsibility. This information does not
discharge the operator from his responsibility as an
operator and is intended only to remind him or make
him aware of specific problem areas. This information
does not lay claim to being complete, nor applicable to
every country and every type of application, nor to
being unconditionally up-to-date.
Only use ATEX pumps in areas at risk from explosion
– Note the relevant regulations for the installation
and operation of equipment in areas at risk from
– Observe the guidelines for intrinsically safe power
– Adhere to the respective national regulations out‐
side of the EU.
– Ensure that installations in areas at risk from explo‐
sion are checked by a "recognised competent"
person. This applies specifically to intrinsically safe
power circuits.
– Only clean the pump outside of / in the absence of
explosive atmospheres.
Danger of injury to personnel and material damage
The pump must only be opened at those points
required to be opened by these operating instructions.
It may only be opened in other positions upon receipt
of written authorisation from the ProMinent head office,
Danger of slippage on the pump
Danger of injury from slipping.
– Never climb on the pump.
Safety information