Start Up
User qualification for diagnosis: trained
user, see
Chapter 2.2 ‘Users' qualifica‐
tions’ on page 7
Recalibrate the pump if you need to after
installation if the pump was calibrated
before the Flow Control was installed.
Not a shut-off device
Never use the Flow Control as a shut-off
device. The rotary dial cannot be used to
block the hole for the float.
Turning the rotary dial under pressure can
temporarily cause leakage, therefore refer
to the latest material safety data sheet for
your feed chemical.
Pump delta
Set the delta
to "Pressure stroke setting"
– "fast" to ensure that it operates reliably.
Press the P key to acknowledge if the
metering pump goes into "Error" mode
during start up.
Press both error keys at the same time
on the metering pump.
Dynamic adjustment
Minimum values
With low-viscosity feed chemicals up to a
viscosity of approx. 100 mPa. Higher vis‐
cosities on request.
Start Up