promesstec GmbH
I Niedersachsenstraße 4 I D-48465 Schüttorf I Tel.:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 0 I Fax:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 29
E-Mail: [email protected] I Internet: www.promesstec.com
Special button functions
A long press on the two external buttons activates a REBOOT (reinitialization of the
flow meter).
A long triple press on the internal buttons activates the service communication in-
terface. After initialization you are asked to enter a password. If the password is not
entered, the service interface is only available for reading.
You can exit the setup menu by pressing and holding the lower button on the side
of the display unit or by pressing and holding the right button under the front glass
pane. You can also wait for TimeOut to return the flow meter to its basic menu.
Password setting
MDW / MDH 500 have two password levels, a user password and a production
The USER PASSWORD allows you to change user parameters that have no effect
on the calibration of the meter. It is a customized password, the default value for
the password being 0000. The password is only required the first time it is entered
and is invalid after returning to the basic display or within two minutes of inactivity
when the meter automatically returns to the basic display.
The PRODUCTION PASSWORD is a generated, unique password that is linked to
the meter in use and not publicly accessible. The data can only be changed under
the production password of a person authorized by
promesstec GmbH
These are the following data:
Serial number
K1 - constant
n1 - constant
– DN