promesstec GmbH
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4.7 Impulse output / Flow Switch contact OUT1 / OUT2
The outputs OUT1 and OUT2 are freely configurable and are realized by the opto-
coupler with an NPN switching transistor. The limit values of this optocoupler are
80V/50mA/100mW max. The output can be connected as passive or active output
when using terminals 11 and 12. In active mode the instrument uses its internal, gal-
vanically isolated 16V power supply. In this case, the switching voltage for
high 16V
at the recommended current consumption of approx. 2mA for the transmis-
sion of optocouplers. The output in off-state is in high impedance state, so it is neces-
sary to use a pull-down or pull-up resistor to define the stational level.
1) The impulse output is used for remote transmission of volumetric pulses. The con-
version constant is arbitrarily variable via keys or user software. It must be set so that
the frequency is <400Hz at maximum flow rate.
2) The flow switch is used to monitor the flow value. If the set limit flow is exceeded,
the contact is switched (contact closing/opening). The degree of contact making and
contact opening is different - the contact has a hysteresis. The hysteresis is adjusta-
ble in %.
3) The status output is used to evaluate the counter status - error, warning, fault, er-
ror + warning.